Friday, September 14, 2007

Media and Corruption In Preble County

If the truth is ever going to be exposed in Preble County, it will require a federal investigation. Getting to that point requires first exhausting all local and state resources. The many cases require notariety before investigators take an interest beyond a file they have been assigned to lying around the office. And that takes a public interest to compell an investigator to action.
One of the cases has a documentary which has been completed. two cases have books in various stages of development. We have been approached by two investigative journalists, and we are discussing a documentary of all cases with a filmmaker. Archives contain three decades of news reports.
The Citizens Task Force Against Corruption enabled many cases to compare information and has resulted in a stockpile of documents. An entire history of cases involving official wrongdoing has been created, complete with court documents and witness statements. The intricacies of any particular case as well as a detailed picture of the corruption as a whole is available to media sources.
All media is welcome to make inquiries, and will be assisted in compiling information necessary to broadcast these stories.

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